Catholic Art Guild Events & Conference 2017
We are proud to host the leading scholars, philosophers, architects and artists in this series on Beauty and the Restoration of the Sacred. Please be advised that space will be limited for some of these events with priority enrollment given to Catholic Art Guild members. Details and ticket sales for the conference and workshops will be available soon.
Erik Bootsma
March 26, 2017
Speaker Series: Erik Bootsma, Architect
"Turning the Tide of the 20th Century: Restoring Beauty in Sacred Architecture"
3:00 pm, St. John Cantius Auditorium, Details

Dr. Christopher Morrissey
May 6, 2017
Speaker Series: Dr. Christopher Morrissey
Professor of Ancient Philosophy
“Truth, Goodness, and Beauty: The Three Ideas by Which We Must Judge”
11:00 am St. John Cantius Auditorium Details

Jed Gibbons
June 3, 2017
Speaker Series: Jed Gibbons, Artist
"The Hidden Beauty in the Eucharist,
Revealing the Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity though Sacred Art"
11:00 am St. John Cantius Auditorium Details
July 22, 2017
Speaker Series: James Matthew Wilson
Associate Professor of Religion & Literature at Villanova University
"Beauty, the Foundation of the West"
11:00 am St. John Cantius Auditorium Details
July 24-29, 2017
Workshop in Illumination
Instructor: Jed Gibbons
St. John Cantius Canonry Building
Sold Out
Workshop in Stained Glass
Aug 11, 2017
Workshop Lead by Daprato-Rigali Studio Experts
Daprato-Rigali Studios, Chicago, Il
Sold Out

August 12, 2017
Speaker Series: Daniel Mitsui
Catholic Artist
"Heavenly Outlook: The Perspective of Medieval Sacred Art"
11:00 am St. John Cantius Parish Hall Details
Dr. Denis McNamara
Sept. 2, 2017
Speaker Series: Dr. Denis McNamara, Architectural Historian
"Iconic Images for the Western Church: Balancing Specificity and Universality"
11:00 am St. John Cantius Parish Hall
Joseph Pearce
October 7, 2017
Speaker: Joseph Pearce, Author
"The Evangelizing Power of Beauty: Converting the Culture"
October 29, 2017
Beauty and the Restoration of the Sacred Conference & Dinner at the Drake Hotel
Sir Roger Scrution, Duncan Stroik, Dr. Denis McNamara
& Anthony Visco
October 29, 2017
Beauty and the Restoration of the Sacred Conference & Dinner at the Drake Hotel
"The Future of Sacred Art"
October 29, 2017
Beauty and the Restoration of the Sacred Conference & Dinner at the Drake Hotel
“Incarnation and Transfiguration Rediscovering the Iconic Nature of Church Buildings.”
October 29, 2017
Beauty and the Restoration of the Sacred Conference & Dinner at the Drake Hotel
Sir Roger Scrution, Duncan Stroik, Dr. Denis McNamara and Anthony Visco
Fr. C. Frank Phillips
December 2, 2017
Speaker: Fr. C. Frank Phillips
"Vesture and Vestments"
7:00 pm St. John Cantius Parish Hall

Christmas Party & Fundraiser
Catholic Art Guild Calendar of Events 2018