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Speaker Series: William Newton

May 5, 2018
William Newton

"Cloudy Witnesses"

11:00 am, St. John Cantius Parish Hall


Synopsis:  From the time of the early Church, art was used to help share stories from Scripture and the lives of the saints, often highly symbolic way. Due to the increasing secularization of Western culture, alongside the simultaneous declines in both comprehensive art education and the cultivation of connoisseurship, today many works of sacred art have become almost completely incomprehensible to modern audiences. Examples abound, from auction catalogues to art exhibitions to even – sadly – churches themselves, in which the identification of sacred art is completely mistaken, nonexistent, or – worse - intentionally misleading. I argue that this situation has created an opportunity for Catholics to engage in a new form of evangelization, both with fellow Catholics and with those who know nothing about Catholicism.


Bio: William Newton is an Art Critic at The Federalist. Newton is a graduate of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, The University of Notre Dame Law School, and Sotheby’s Institute of Art in London. He lives in Washington DC. Learn more at and follow on Twitter @wbdnewton.

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